Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Healing effects of faith

Did you ever ask yourself, how far we get in this world without self-confidence or faith in our abilities?

When we think about our life and the situation where we felt insecure because of a lack of either experience or knowledge in a certain area, we can easily recognize the importance of self-confidence and faith.

Lacking confidence prevents many people from even attempting to experience with novel situations in their daily lives. Many are afraid of failure, yet it is through failure that we learn and grow.

A lack of confidence handicaps us. This becomes transparent in one’s overt and covert behaviours.

To overcome this lack of confidence requires that we empower ourselves. We can do this through learning appropriate skills and through the social interaction with well-rounded people.

Skill development is the key. We need first to recognize our abilities and then practice them to the degree that we become efficient. This leads to confidence, confidence leads to success. We need to thrive, to fulfill our innate potential. This rewards us with a healthy and happy overall life.

Nature teaches us, that when conditions are right, any plant will develop its potential to the fullest. It also teaches us, that at any stage of its development, it is perfect, but to mature it must follow its blueprint. A flower cannot become a bush; it must fulfill what it was meant to be.

As humans, we too have to let out innate potential express and not think of the immediate rewards that it has in store for us. Focusing entirely on the rewards, may even derail us from doing what we are meant to do. Confidence comes with practice, achievement comes with confidence.

From a developmental point of view we go through various stages in life. When we live life as it is meant to be for us, we progress from one stage to the next without any apparent effort. But life needs to be lived, it needs to express.

Today most of us have sufficient resources for our basic needs, for food, clothing, clothing, shelter and personal necessities. Some of us can also relate to a time in our lives where we did not have these essentials. Most of us want more than just the basics in order to experience life fully. Yet even today we hear people say:”All I really need is to have a roof over my head and three square meals.”

But this view is not in accordance of what we are. We need to thrive. This is only possible when we have the resources available when we need them.  We have to think in larger terms and expand our consciousness beyond just being satisfied with merely fulfilling basic needs, which should be merely the initial step in life.           

A key to personal growth is not to become attached to things or circumstances. Life is in a constant flux of change. We need to recognize the flow in order to be affluent. To be affluent means, having what we need, when we need it. It is not hording. On the contrary, it is letting go, it is sharing, it is recognizing, that we live in a benevolent universe, but we need to co-operate with it. Ideally we need to let spirit express through us as us and be free, peaceful and joyful.

If we have resources beyond what we need, we must share them. Everything we have in this life is a gift. If we think it is because of our accomplishment that we have things, we become attached to them, bolster our ego and separate ourselves from one another and the source that upholds and sustains us and the universe. Yet when we realize, that we are a part of the One power and source expressing as the universe, we need to accept, that all we are and all we have is contingent on that source. We then become responsible stewards, taking care of things and circumstances as they arise.

Thus, an enlightened vision is to embraces the whole, to be wisdom guided, knowing that we are a reflection of God.

This may paint a bleak picture for those whose vision is one of being self centered, but we must always remember that we are at the stage of life where we ought to be. We are there because of the choices we make, or the choices others make for us. Hopefully we awaken to the realization, that the life that is given to us must be lived by us. We are responsible for how we conduct our life; we need to be self directed rather than other directed. We know that we live right, when we are at peace and live with inner joy.

Faith in this respect is, trust or confidence in one’s ability. As we apply ourselves to our activities and succeed in our chosen tasks, we gain confidence. We learn that we live in a benevolent universe and eventually we trust in a power greater than us to guide our activities. This then becomes real faith, trusting in the unseen.

This leads us to love what we do and we will do what we love. In order not to become egotistical, we surrender our activities with love and thanks to this higher power from which all things come, even our life.

There is no limit to our intrinsic potential. We are a part of this Cosmic power we call God and nothing is impossible for those who endeavor to know and love God. We are never away from this presence; we have our being in it.

This shift in consciousness is very peaceful; it is filled with unending joy and can be experienced by anyone.

We all are given this life. The experience of our journey is how we approach and live this life. We need to approach this journey with as an adventure, even more so as a witness of the experience, where we observe and realize that we are also observed. We need to learn from this, that the observer in all is the same, our joint true essence. We are spiritual beings that are on earth for just a short time, but are eternal in our being, one with the whole of life.

So what is this healing power of Faith? It is the force that brings about wholeness in the universe and in all our endeavours.
It is present in wholesome living, wholesome living implies being a part of a greater whole, rather than being apart from it. Realizing this results in mature responsible living and expresses in peaceful mental, emotional and physical well being,

Being Self, soul and God conscious at all times, walking in the presence provides a holistic healing effect and a sense of well being, even during challenging times, as we ultimately realize, that we are not the body, not the mind, not the feelings, but spiritual beings expressing through mind and body. This represents a complete re-orientation from our conditioned mind, but it sets us free. 

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