Friday, September 9, 2016

Discussion on healing as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda

Realize that nothing is greater than cosmic consciousness or God. His power far surpasses that of the human mind, but this should not mean that we should make ourselves passive or inert; or that we should minimize the power of our own mind.

“The Lord helps those who help themselves”.
He give us our will, concentration, faith, reason and common sense to use, when to use, when trying to rid ourselves of bodily or mental afflictions; we ought to apply all these powers while at the same time appealing toGgod.

When we pray or when we use healing affirmations we should be clear that we use our own, but God given powers to heal ourselves or others.
We always ask God’s aid, but we must realize that we as his children are employing his gifts of will, emotion and reason to solve all difficult problems of life.

What’s important here is that we strike a balance between the ancient idea of depending wholly on God and the modern way of sole reliance on the ego.

Use of Will, Feeling, and Reason

As one uses different affirmations, his mental attitude should change.
For example,
·        Will affirmations should be accompanied by strong determination;
·        Feeling affirmations by devotion
·        Reason affirmations by clear understanding.

When healing others, we ought to select an affirmation that is suitable to the:
·        Cognitive,
·        Imaginative
·        Emotional or
·        Thoughtful temperament.

In all affirmations intensity is primary, but continuity and repetition is important.
One then surrenders the results in the infinite.

The physical healing process:

Here attention should not be on the disease, but on the infinite power of the mind.

When confronted with mental turmoil such as fear, anger, bad habits, the attention should be placed on the opposite quality (fear, bravery – anger, peace – weakness, strength – sickness, health.

The necessity of attention and faith

Many illnesses are rooted in the subconscious mind. For affirmations to reach the super consciousness, they must be free from uncertainties and doubts.
“Attention and faith are as lights that lead even when imperfectly understood to the subconscious and super conscious minds.”

Patience and intelligent repetition are wonderworkers.

Life energy causes the cure.

Jesus said: “man shall not live by bread alone but by the very word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4

The “word” (John 1:1 in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God) is the life energy or cosmic vibratory force, the “mouth” of God in the medulla oblongata tapering off into the spinal cord.

This is the most vital part of the body, it is the divine entrance “mouth of God” for the “Word” or life energy by which man is sustained. In the Hindu and Christian scriptures the “Word” is Aum and Amen.
It is that perfect power alone that heals; all external methods of stimulation only co-operate with the life energy and are of little value without it;  although, medicine, massage, or spinal adjustments are helpful.

Nature teaches us that to have success in growing plants, two factors are vital, the potency of the seed and the suitability of the soil.

In healing, it is the power of the healer and the receptivity of the patient.

Great healers, men of divine realization do not heal by chance but by exact knowledge. By fully understand the control of life force; they project a stimulating current into the patient that harmonizes his own
flow of life energy

Persons with lesser spiritual attainment are also able to heal themselves and others by visualizing and directing an influx of life energy to the affected part of the body.

The darkness is dispelled by bringing the light in, not by trying to dispel the darkness.

Healing body, mind and soul

In his mortal aspect man is a triune being. He longs for freedom from all varieties of suffering.
His needs are:

Healing his bodily diseases
Healing of mental and psychological diseases such as fear, anger, bad habits, failure consciousness, lack of initiative, confidence and many more.
Healing of spiritual diseases such as indifference, lack of purpose, intellectual pride, dogmatism, skepticism, contentment with the material side of existence, ignorance of the laws of life and of man’s own destiny.

It is important to give equal attention to prevention as it is to cure of disease.

The attention of most people is placed on the cure of bodily in-harmony, because it is so tangible and obvious.Tthey do not realize that their mental disturbances of worry, egotism and their spiritual blindness to the divine meaning of life are the real causes of their misery.

When we destroy in ourselves intolerance, rage and fear and have freed our soul from ignorance, we are unlikely to suffer from physical disease or mental lack.

To prevent physical disease

Obedience to God’s physical laws is the method of avoiding bodily ills.

Do not overeat
Obey God’s laws of hygiene; the hygiene of keeping the mind pure is superior to physical hygiene.

Do not live by such rigid rules, that the least deviation from your usual habits upset you.

Prevent decay of the body by conserving your physical energy.

Prevent hardening of the arteries by proper diet
Save the heart from over-work; fear and anger.

Meditate daily

St. Paul said in Corinthians 15:31 “I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily”.
This is the holy peace that comes with Christ Consciousness.

To prevent mental problems, cultivate peace and faith in God.

Free the mind of all disturbing thoughts and fill it with love and joy.

Realize the superiority of mental healing over physical healing.

Banish the habits that make life miserable.

To prevent spiritual disease

Spiritualize the body by getting rid of the consciousness of mortality and change. The body is materialized vibration and should be recognized as such.

The consciousness of disease, decay, and death should be removed by the understanding of the underlying unifying laws of spirit and matter,
of the infinite and the finite.

We must firmly believing that we are created in the image of God and are therefore immortal and prefect. Matter undergoes change; the soul undergoes changing experiences. Radical changes are termed death, but death or a change in form does not change or destroy the spiritual ESSENCE.  

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