Monday, September 12, 2016

Introduction to Relaxation & Visualization

Using the natural powers of imagination to create what one wants i life.

Many times in the past we have used this power unconsciously and because of some deep seated negative concepts about life, we automatically expected and imagined lack, limitation, difficulties and problems to be our lot in life and to one degree or another, we have created these for ourselves.

We can learn to use our natural creativity in a more conscious and positive way to manifest what we truly want, love, fulfillment, enjoyment, satisfying relationships, rewarding work, health, beauty, prosperity, inner peace and harmony and so on.

We can use it as a key to tap into God’s natural goodness and beautiful blessings in life.

What are we talking about?

We are talking about an idea or mental picture in your mind.
We focus on an idea or image, giving it positive energy by holding the picture steady in our mind until we achieve our results.
The goal can be on any level, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
We might imagine a new home, a new job, a fulfilling relationship, improved health or any other life situation.
For the seeds of creativity to sprout we must establish a calm mind.

Using creative imagination, we can see ourselves to be calm, serene, or see ourselves as radiant beings, filled with light and love.

This is what one can do.

One will use a simple way to relax the body and mind to create a harmonious relationship.

“Imagine the two of you relating in an open, honest and harmonious way. Try to get a feeling of yourself in your mental image and experience it as if were already happening.

Repeat this single short experience 2 times a day or whenever you think of it. Eliminate all doubts. If you are sincere in your intention and open to change, you will find the relationship becoming easier and the other person more agreeable and easier to communicate with. This is not used to control others, or cause them to do something against their will, this is to dissolve our own barriers to natural harmony and allow everyone to manifest their most positive aspects.

How does this process work?

We are living in a universe of mind and energy and all forms from light that effect one another. Thought is a fine form matter
Thought precedes form. When we create something, we first think about it. An artist first has an idea or inspiration and then creates a painting etc. This is true even if we do not take direct physical action. Having an idea or thought and holding on to it in our minds is an energy which has an effect on the material plain.

If we constantly think of illness, we eventually become are ill. If we believe ourselves to be beautiful, we become so.

“As you sow, so shall you reap” Whatever we put out will be attracted back to you. This means that, whatever we think about the most and believe in strongly or expect on the deepest level, or imagine the most strongly will be attracted into our lives.

We can expect or visualize positive or negative experiences. This is not just positive thinking, it goes deeper.

We can grow and change and unblock what holds us back and become what God intents us to be, happy, fulfilled and loving beings.

Through practice and trust in the results, this can become a natural and integrated part of our mental processes.

It is suggested to do a simple relaxation exercise to feel calm and serene and see ourselves as radiant beings of light and love. However, we can use the same technique to think of something we would like to do or would like to have.
Relax body and mind, get into a comfortable position and starting at the toes, relax each part, moving up slowly to the top of your head, thinking of relaxing each muscle in turn, breathing slowly and deeply from your belly. When you feel deeply relaxed, you start to imagine the thing you want and exactly as you want them. See yourself with the object or in the situation, enjoying it and any details that make it more real to you. It does not need to take long. A view minutes is fine or whatever is best for you. It should be very enjoyable, like a child daydreaming. As you enjoy the idea, or image you may make positive statements.

For example: Here I am enjoying a positive weekend, I have a wonderful happy relationship with ….. we are really learning to understand each other.
If doubts or other thoughts arise in your consciousness, do not try to resist or prevent them, just let them go by and return to your positive statement or image.

This is a very simple process, but to use it effectively can take some practice.

The Importance of Relaxation

When your body and mind are deeply relaxed, your brain wave patterns change and become slower.
A benefit is that relaxation is healthful mentally and physically. It is good to do just after waking or before sleep, because the mind and body may already be more relaxed.
But if you tend to fall asleep, instead of lying down it is best to sit upright in a chair in a comfortable position with your spine straight.

What does visualized mean?
Don’t worry if you don’t “actually see’ a mental image or a picture when you close your eyes. Some people see very clear images, some see fussy pictures, others see nothing at all or just think about it or imagine that they are looking at it. Whatever process you use is fine. The more you practice, the easier it will become.

The more you use creative visualization to love and serve others as well as your own highest ends, the more love, happiness and success will just naturally find their way to you.

A good affirmation to end any exercise is:” This or something better manifests for me in totally harmonious ways for the highest good of all.

“Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you, for everyone that asketh, receiveth and he that seeketh findeth, and for him that knocketh it shall be opened.”
                                    MATTHEW 7: 7, 8

Creating you Sanctuary

Imagine yourself in some beautiful natural environment; it can be in any place that appeals to you, in a meadow, on a mountain top, in the forest by a stream, beside the ocean. Wherever it is, it is comfortable, pleasant and peaceful to you. Explore your inner sanctuary and notice any details, feelings or impressions that you have about it. You can do anything you want to make it more comfortable for yourself.
This is from now on your own personal inner sanctuary and you can return to it any time you want to. Just like closing your eyes, relaxing and desiring to be there. It is always very peaceful and healing. It is also a special place to go where you wish to do creative visualization.

Light Visualization.

Visualize a light within your heart. Glowing, radiant and warm, feel it spreading and growing, shining out from you further and further until you are like a golden sun radiating loving energy on everything and everyone around you.

Repeat to yourself silently. “God’s Light and Divine Love are flowing through me and radiating to everything and everyone around me.

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