Saturday, May 26, 2018

A look at duality, or the world in which we live.

What is duality? It is a natural law governing the whole of creation and life as we know it. Now life itself is an ethereal (eternal) substance in search of a vehicle of some kind to express its intangible and immaterial nature, and the invisible and unmanifested energy of life impregnates and forms what seems to the naked eye to be solid matter.

We know that matter itself is condensed and compressed universal energy. This energy is generally termed "primordial matter." Science calls it "chaos," and sees it as a formless substance that permeates creation in its entirety. That is why primordial matter incessantly waits to be energized and transformed by its unmanifested and intangible partner the unmanifested Light of Being.

By this ingenious method, the incomprehensible and unmanifested Source of Life manifests itself into tangible substance called primordial matter. In other words, the unmanifested Center of Pure Being and primordial matter impregnate all animate and inanimate manifested creations alike with their unique characteristics.

Primordial matter fills the whole of creation, and yet, under the influence of spirit, it incessantly transforms itself into new shapes and forms. That is through these two completely opposite and contrary poles that govern the whole of creation, the Law of Duality comes into play, controlling the whole process of life and creation.   
As individuals, we personally experience the effects of the Law of duality on a daily basis, since it is part of creation itself. However, in simpler terms, we could say that duality is based on the law of attraction and repulsion, and therefore creation itself is founded on the Law of Duality.

But why is this so? First, let us clarify that the invisible primordial matter is of the nature of unmanifested Being. Here is the inconceivable and extraordinary paradox that demonstrates that an unmanifested essence, an essence that does not belong to creation itself, and therefore does not exist as such for us, can somehow mysteriously cause all of creation. This inconceivable essence is also called Supreme consciousness. Here we need to realize, that without consciousness, we would not even be able to understand the need for duality in order for creation to occur. Clearly, without duality, consciousness and creation alike would have remained formless and completely unconscious. Hence, we, as conscious beings, would not be able to grasp our own existence, let alone question our nature.

It can be said, that in duality we can find our purpose of life, which is wholeness and unity. The returning to the unmanifested Center of Pure Being, or God.

In our daily lives, we could compare the physical body to an instrument in which all manner of sophisticated functions and unknown psychic processes are hidden waiting to be awakened to Cosmic Consciousness or God realization


The Relative and the Absolute – The Nature of Duality

The duality is what separates truth into two parts, the perceived, relative truth, and the inherent, absolute truth. If something is perceived through our senses, the absolute truth cannot be grasped. Absolute truth lies beyond the sense perception, because sense perception is only one filter that can be used to view something. This means that perceptions, ascribed meanings, and other “truths” can be overturned and rewritten. They are impermanent.

We as human beings are free to change our perspectives and ascribe new, relative values to things. We can overturn old believes or traditions of living and adopt newer ones.

Understanding duality for what it is, should also makes us more humble when we come to understand that all distinctions are relative to something. Any perceived value is not an absolute truth but a relative one; a truth that we can empower or destroy at any time.

To claim that anything has value is to take one position, one side of the duality. True values cannot be created because a true value is already inherently in the object. Relative values are perceived. All perceived values are what they are, perceptions only. I am a good person implies, that someone is perceived as not good.

The nature of duality is what makes society as a whole a collective “illusion”, a collection of different perspectives of looking at things. This is important to understand because it means that we can collectively view everything from a certain perspective. To say that money is this important, that a thing is taboo, that one race is better than another, that one sex or gender is superior, or this distinction and that distinction… is seeing things from one point of view. Nevertheless, these are all relative truths, and they are far from absolute. Although these perceptions are true and false at the same time, it is their false nature that allows for the redefining of all things.

Friday, May 18, 2018

A spiritual Perspective V

“The physical ego, the active consciousness in man, must uplift its body identified self into unity with the soul, its true nature. When the ego has become spiritualized and united with the soul, it is able to keep the intelligence, mind and senses under control, as it is guided by the discriminative wisdom of the soul. It is as if the ego is conquered by the Self (soul).”                      

To keep this in perspective, man experiences life from two main focal points. One way is, from the point of view of BECOMING, where our consciousness brings us from where we presently are to where we need to go. From ego consciousness, to soul awareness and ultimately merging the Soul with spirit we experience this as the state of BEING.

“When there is duality because of ignorance, one sees all things as distinct from the Self. When everything is known as the Self, not even an atom is seen as other then the Self. As soon as knowledge of Reality has sprung up, there can be no fruits of past actions to be experienced, owing to the unreality of the body, just as there can be no dream after awakening.”
                                                           Swami Shankara

There needs to be a shift in consciousness, in the way we perceive our world, our life and our existence. It is very difficult for the ego centered soul to even have an appreciation for higher realities.
We must come to the point where we experience ourselves as being and existing in God. We say that God is our life, but do we really know it and live accordingly? Do we approach our life from the stage of Being, (which can be experienced in deep meditation), a life filled with inner joy and peace. When we realize, that Being is not a state of stagnation, but an existence of unlimited potential, a potential that can become actualized through an act of will. When employed in the service of God, we will have the full support of nature in the enfoldment of the potential.

With this comes the realization that the universe is not inert, as most scientists let us to believe, but that it is alive and by a process of interconnection, it is responsive to our states of consciousness.

We become what we think about all day long.

Let’s ponder this:
In my innermost being, I am pure consciousness, one with God, never alone, never separate.

Then we can feel the Joy, feel the Love, and know that God is the only real love.

A spiritual Perspective IV

Some spiritual insights
The egoist needs to recognize the limitations of the ‘I’ consciousness and look beyond it, by starting to embrace the ‘we’, then the ‘many’ and finally the ‘all’.
We need to live right, to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done; to respect all life; to share our fortune with those in need, to keep life simple and to let Spirit freely express.
The yogi emphasizes the inner perception of God through meditation. 
“Man must become internalized in soul conscious, transforming his little ego into the divine Self, the Soul.”
                                                     Paramahansa Yogananda

Internalize awareness
Once the mind is internalized and withdrawn from its identification with the world and with the body, the inner light comes into clear and steady focus. The inner sound becomes all absorbing. AUM fills the brain, its vibration moves down the spine, bursting open the door of the heart’s feeling, then flowing out into the body. The whole body vibrates with the sound of Aum.

Gradually with ever deeper meditation the consciousness expands with the sound of Aum, moving beyond the confines of the body into infinity. Then we realize our oneness with the all existence as Aum, the cosmic vibration.

Aum amen is the aspect of the Christian Trinity which is known as the Holy Ghost, the comforter or word of God.

By still deeper meditation, one expands his awareness in Christ Consciousness which underlies the manifest universe.

By still deeper meditation, one goes beyond creation and units his consciousness with that of the Father, in yogic terms, with Satchidananda, the ever Existing, and ever new Conscious Bliss.

Know you not that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
                                                1 Corinthians 3:`16 KJV 2000

Here we realize, that we are not mere human beings aspiring to Divine status, but that we are spiritual beings temporarily involved in realm of nature.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A spiritual Perspective III

Eric Erikson’s in his psycho social stages describer this dilemma of, ‘Integrity versus despair’. We either get our act together, or we spend the rest of our life in mental anguish.

Is this what life is all about?

Will self interest ever bring happiness or inner peace? Many people we know have problems in their lives and often it is because they go to places, where they find problems. For some reason they are attracted to them. 

This is why lifestyle is so important.

“Possession of material riches, without inner peace is like dying of thirst while bathing in a lake. If material poverty is to be avoided, spiritual poverty is to be abhorred! It is Spiritual poverty, not material lack that lies at the core of all human suffering.”
                                                      Paramahansa Yogananda

“The egoist and the materialist busily planning for fulfillment of selfish desires remain entangled in selfishly ambitious and cannot get away from troubles and disillusionment. He is attached to his small family, and excludes the world from his love. The egoist thinking himself as the doer of all actions isolates himself from the Divine; he is in fact opposing universal law, pitting his puny strength against truth”

This reminds me of Plato’s cave as part of his dissertation on Plato’s republic.

People in the cave hanging on to the shadow, they are afraid of the light they see outside the cave; the light which embraces the unknown. They chose the darkness over the light for they think that if they go to the light, they may not find their way back to this secure, known place. Hence they remain in darkness.

Before anything our life can change, we must adopt a new way of thinking. We need a philosophy that encompasses both our outer and the inner world.

A way to achieve this is through the philosophy of yoga.

We start by expanding our consciousness by asking, who or what is my real nature? And then go from there.

Friday, May 4, 2018

A spiritual Perspective II

Never accept the limitations of your environment. Remain inwardly ensconced in God's presence; there is no other haven of safety. In fearlessness affirm: "I am in God's presence. No harm can reach me, for in every situation of life physical, mental, financial, and spiritual; I am protected in the fortress of God's presence.

Fearlessness means faith in God: faith in His protection, His justice, His wisdom, His mercy, His love, His omnipresence.

Fear robs one of the indomitability of his soul; disrupting Nature's harmonious workings emanating from the source of divine power within.

Fear causes physical, mental, and spiritual disturbances. Instead of indulging in anxiety one should affirm: "I am ever safe in the fortress of Thy loving care."

Meditate or be still. As soon as you take away the ripples of sensations from the lake of the mind, God's heavenly bliss bursts forth from the soul.

His bliss is already there, but it is hidden within you. The more you meditate or be still, the more you will feel the endless joy of God.

Form the habit of meditation. It is the only way to find everlasting happiness of the soul; and when you have that, nothing else matters.

Our ordinary waking consciousness is centered in the awareness of a material existence. After all, this is the realm in which we abide. Our mind perceives the world through the senses and we accept what we perceive as reality. Western thinking is still very much influenced by people like Newton and his theory of a mechanical universe, and Descartes, “I think therefore I am” and that all existence can be explained through mathematics.

Most people still believe, when judging by their actions, that this is their show and the better they can play the game, the better off they will be. The more goods they can amass, the more successful they are in the eyes of their fellow man. In this manner they can buy their way into anything they want. For them, this is the ultimate victory to be rich and famous. But there comes a point where the lessons of life can hit hard in the form of disappointment or illness.
Then many look for God and ask Him how he figures that they disserve misfortune.