Friday, September 9, 2016

How to Awaken and Experience our Soul Abilities

There are many people in our society who see themselves as victims and as a result lead a restricted life.

“Poor me, unfortunately that’s the way I am, I can’t do anything about it.”

Then there are others who live in the same culture, under similar social and environmental conditions that function freely and successfully.

What happens when some people only see gloom and others opportunities. What causes these different perceptions?

These perceptions are caused by the way we habitually think, by our awareness or lack of it and by our focus.


This being so, we are the only ones that can alter our lives.

Yet the way we look at life depends on our spiritual development. When we are in a self-conscious state with a poor self-image we see ourselves as victims in a hostile environment. Our thoughts become negative and we react rather than act in a goal directed way.

When we know ourselves to be spiritual beings, existing in the omnipresent field of God’s being we choose the way we think and act and our possibilities for growth, for learning and expressing are limitless.
The message for us is to expand our soul awareness. How can we do this?

·        Through the way of conscious, purposeful living.
Living with purpose is making conscious, meaningful, goal directed decisions.
·        Through the way of prayer and meditation that purifies the mind and intellect, awakens intuition and unfolds soul abilities (siddhis). 

We have to pay attention to the way we see our world and live with the intention to do the best we can in whatever needs to be done and to surrender the results of our action to God.

When we live our life with purposeful intention, our thoughts, moods and behaviors reflect our intended purpose. The same dynamics apply when we assume ourselves to be weak, dependent or strong and self-determined, we are inclined to think feel and act accordingly.

This being so, the key to controlling states of consciousness is to be established in soul (Self) awareness (internally centered) rather than to allow our state of consciousness to be determined by random thought processes, emotions or simply by reacting to external circumstances.

An example in my own life is that once I have determined a worthwhile goal, that is, what I really want to accomplish, I go for it regardless of circumstances or what others have to say. I follow my goal with calm, determined detachment.

When we are inwardly centered, when the mind is calm, when thinking is rational, when we feel an inner harmony, we will appropriately respond to life’s circumstances or to our determined choices.

Think what mother Theresa did. “She had the inner conviction that she had to serve the poorest of the poor. She did it by faith alone.”

Self-awareness provides us with access to soul power, the intuitive knowledge. The Sanskrit word for this soul power is siddhis: the perfected unfoldment of latent, innate potential. Siddhis are not supernatural powers but natural abilities that can be demonstrated by spiritually awake people.

The purpose of awakening and using soul powers is twofold:

1) To make effortless fulfillment of our worthwhile desires possible, to provide for our needs and wellbeing.

2) To enable us to perceive transcendental states of consciousness that liberate us from delusion, illusion and make us aware unwanted circumstances.

These innate abilities can be obtained through calm, meditative contemplation with the intention to accomplish whatever we contemplate. Successful contemplative meditation and the subsequent accomplishment of our goals culminates in a strong faith and trust in one’s Self.

The most satisfying accomplishment is Self-realization.

“When contemplation is perfected, the light of pure knowledge dawns in the meditator’s consciousness.” Yoga Sutra 3:5

Perfect contemplation is Samyama when concentration, meditation and identification with the object of concentration are simultaneous.

What is a practical way of doing this?

We contemplate (concentrate and meditate) the essence of pure consciousness, the result is that flawless knowledge of it will be spontaneously Self- revealed.

But know that this revelation does not occur so long as we are aware of endeavoring to experience it.
It happens instead, when our awareness of being distinct from that, which is contemplated, fades away and only experience of being     exists.

“By assuming and actualizing the virtues and the states of consciousness of role models, saints and seers, one’s mental field becomes harmonized.” Sutra 1:37

Another way to be aware and to demonstrate ideal way of thinking and behaving is keep in mind how enlightened, healthy minded people view themselves and the world around them.
If a saint or teacher is dear to our heart, we may assume and emulate their behavior.

A good time to bring them into our consciousness is after meditation when we are still calm and soul centered.
This is also an appropriate time for us to commit to change addictive behaviors, destructive and non-useful habits, relationships and unwanted circumstances because our behaviors are related to our state of consciousness.
To change behavior is easiest when we are in a clearer state of consciousness.
As beings of pure consciousness, we can assume a point of view and experience whatever we choose as being worthwhile.

“By prefect contemplation on friendliness, compassion and other noble qualities, one experiences mental, moral and spiritual strength.” Sutra 3:24

By cultivating Self - knowledge, friendliness and genuine caring about the welfare of others, we experience a pronounced sense of spirituality. 

"By perfect contemplation on various power, one is empowered to accomplish purpose. Sutra 3:25

Our confidence and conviction increases our capacity to accomplish worthwhile purposes.
The reason many people have difficulties succeeding and to live a successful life, is because at some level they perceive themselves as being incompetent.

We are rays of God with omnipotent power. Remembering believing in our true nature and acting accordingly will pave for us the road to success in all our worldly endeavors.


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