Thursday, September 8, 2016

Go Deeper into Meditation

The soul loves to meditate, for in contact with the Spirit lies its greatest joy. If we experience mental resistance toward meditation, it helps to remember that reluctance to meditate comes from the ego; it doesn’t belong to the soul.

Everyone who makes a sincere effort on the spiritual path will reach his goal.
When dreaming, we are in sub-consciousness; then we are more aware in the inner or astral body.

When our consciousness withdraws still more deeply, into superconsciousness, then we are centered in bliss. In that bliss-state we are aware of the causal body and our soul.

We need to meditate more and more deeply, until calmness and joy become second nature to us. 

To be in spiritual ecstasy is not difficult. It is thinking that it is difficult that holds us back from experiencing it. Divine joy is always with us, we just need to open ourselves to it.

Here are some suggestions for opening ourselves to the influence of Spirit:
We need to drop our habit of body consciousness and free ourselves of our attachment to it.

We need to remember who we are, and what rules the body and mind.

We need to restore our consciousness of God, by reminding ourselves that we are spiritual beings. We came from Spirit and eventually will return to it.

We need to expand our consciousness, meditate on God and surrender our ego consciousness in God. We will then realize that we were never apart from Him.

Love, life and light

1 comment:

  1. Ernest, it's been too long since I've visited your inspiring blog. So much in every line, every line something to contemplate. Yet also such a practical reminder of the simplicity of meditation. It's easy to forget how natural it is, when we feel distracted by an animated mind. I love your last line. It seems in fact that our idea of a journey or goal itself is an illusion - but it's not a negative thing that it's an illusion, because it's such a joy to realize that it is! If that makes sense... And meanwhile, that confidence - that everyone who makes a sincere effort on that path will achieve his goal and that spiritual ecstasy is not difficult - is so needed and also within everyone's capacity. I too believe it's our real nature. Thank you for your thoughts!
    Teresa Valentine
