Friday, September 9, 2016



What causes a cure?

It is Life Energy, Chi, Prana; these are different words having the same meaning. Many people try to use visualization, affirmations, will or reason, but they act only as different agents to stimulate the life force.

Great healers understand the control of life force and project a stimulating current into the patient that harmonizes his own flow of life energy.

During a healing they actually see the psychophysical law of nature working in the tissues of the ailing person and bring about the cure.

Persons of lesser spiritual attainment also are able to heal themselves and others by visualizing and directing an influx of life energy to the effected part of the body.

Effort and attention are essential to attain a degree of faith or will power that will move the life energy to affect the cure.

Many people who suffer from disease, have their brain cells grooved with thoughts of illness, these thoughts have to be reversed and replaced with thoughts of wellness.

If we think we are well, but in the background of our mind we don’t believe it, the effect is the same as if we take helpful medicine and at the same time take a drug that counteracts the effects of the medicine.

To be active and successful, a thought has to be impregnated with such will power that it will resist opposite thoughts.

Healing the Body Mind and Soul

We are a triune being and long for freedom from all verities of suffering.

¨     Healing the body of disease
¨     Healing of mental and psychological diseases such as fear, anger, bad habits, failure consciousness, lack of initiative and confidence etc.
¨     Healing of spiritual disease such as indifference, lack of purpose, intellectual pride and dogmatism, skepticism, contentment with the material side of existence, and ignorance of the law of life and of man’s own divinity.

The key is to be healthy and to emphasize the prevention and cure of all three kinds of diseases.

The attention of most people is fixed solely on the cure of bodily dis-function, because it is tangible and obvious. They do not realize that their mental disturbance of worry, egotism and spiritual blindness to the divine meaning of life are the real causes of all human misery.

When a person has destroyed intolerance, rage and fear and has freed his soul from ignorance, he is unlikely to suffer from physical disease or mental discord.

Healing Prayer, Affirmation

Your perfect light is omnipresent in all my body parts. Wherever that healing light is manifest, there is perfection. I am well, for perfection is in me.

Your healing light has been shining within me, but I kept the eyes of my perception closed and beheld not Your transmuting light.

Heavenly father, teach me to open my closed eyes
of disbelief and behold Your healing light. Charge my body with Your vitality, charge my mind with Your spiritual power, and charge my soul with Your joy.


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