Monday, August 29, 2016

Discourse on matters of spirit.

From God Immanent and God Transcendent,
From Personal God to Impersonal God,
From Duality to Oneness and from oneness to Duality

Chant through the chakras.
Lam, Vam, Ram Yam, HAM, OM

In spirit, THE Transcendent aspect of God), there is neither past nor future, there is only the Eternal NOW or the everlasting present.

When we view the world under the influence of maya, eternity appears fragmented as past, present and future.
God always is, and His immortal consciousness is not compartmentalized by the dimension of time and space, He beholds everything in His Being now.

How do we get where we want to go? Assuming we know where we want to go?

This consciousness of Eternal Presence is not reachable by people with ordinary consciousness. Only the advanced devotee is able to feel the ever existing nature of God.
Past and future vanish from within him. He realizes he is forever, NOT that he was and will be existing forever.

How do we feel the existing nature of God?
In Joy, in Peace and eventual Bliss.
When we lift our consciousness beyond time and space in meditation, we know that we are eternal.
If we are not convinced of this, we ought to contemplate this matter to reach a point of knowing.

We come from the mighty ocean of Cosmic Consciousness, Spirit, the ever Existing, ever Conscious, ever new Bliss that transcends creation, descending into creation, into every particle of thought, life energy and matter that constitute the causal, astral and physical realms.  

Cosmic Consciousness becomes Christ Consciousness or (Kutastha Chaitanya).
Christ Consciousness flowing into the soul and PURE mind of man, it is called superconsciousness. However, when it is
carried on the current of life energy, down through the subtle astral centres the chakras, it loses its divine awareness in body identification, we call it subconsciousness.

The life energy in us operates the body through the physical brain, spine, and viscera as stomach, lungs, heart and intestines etc.
Descending further, out into the muscles and senses, consciousness settles in the level of the ordinary waking state, enlivening the muscular and sensory activities of the body, and creating desires for attachment to material experiences.

Consciousness has fallen from the pristine fountain of Spirit to the lowlands of physical consciousness in the out-flowing energy of the three lower chakras. Man tries in vain to quench his thirst of desires in sensory experience. But worldly pleasure is more like salt water, instead of quenching desires, it creates a greater thirst.

If we are maddened with desire and have not found peace, we had better find a way to peace through insightful consciousness and meditation.

We must raise the son of man to the son of God.
From the 3 lower chakras to the 4th Heart chakra, the Anahata, to compassion, selfless love, service and nurturance, to the 5th chakra Vishuddha, devotion, surrender, trust, to the 6th chakra Ajna, introspective, discriminative, intelligence, higher intuitive knowledge, to the 7th chakra, sahasrara, pure consciousness.

The person that masters yoga meditation knows, that when concentration become interiorized he finds his life force and attention withdrawn from the senses and accumulates it in the subtle astral centre in the coccygeal region of the spine.

Then during deep meditation this accumulated life force floats its consciousness upward through the sacral, lumbar. dorsal, cervical and medulla centres to the highest centre of divine perception, the abode of Spirit in the thousand petaled lotus of light and consciousness in the higher brain.

The downward flowing astral life energy and consciousness in the three lower chakras (lumbar, sacral and coccygeal) feed the spine, brain and organs of the physical body with sensory and motor power, which under the influence of delusion promoters worldly consciousness.

But through meditation when consciousness is withdrawn from the senses up the astral spine through the chakras to the ocean of light, in the crown chakra, the devotee obtains liberation from material consciousness.

It is important for us to internalize the process which leads to the liberation of consciousness and be totally aware of it when doing Kriya Pranayama.


O Lord, resurrect us from the bondage of delusion, karma, ignorance, and reincarnation to inspire us with thine invisible omnipresent wisdom, that we may know how to resurrect the divine image within us from the bodily confinement of sense lures. From doubt resurrect our vision into the region of invincible understanding. From the atmosphere of mental smallness teach us to resurrect our large heartedness in the kingdom of love for all.
Teach us to resurrect our spirit of brotherhood in the oneness of universal union.

Bless us, that from this moment we use our inner sense of intuition to follow all the mental, moral, and spiritual laws by which we can resurrect our soul from cosmic delusion into everlasting freedom in God contact.

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