Thursday, August 25, 2016

24 Evolutes of Creation – Samkhya

Prakriti (unmanifest primordial matter),

Buddhi (first principle of individuation, Intelligence, discrimination)

Ahamkara, (ego)

Manas (mind)

Sattvic: illumined, lightness

5 Jnanendriyas, ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose

5 Karmendriyas or organs of action: speaking, holding, moving, Procreating, eliminating

Tamasic: stable, solid

5 Tanmātras or subtle elements are sound, touch, vision, taste, smell

5 Mahabhuthas are earth, water, fire, air and space.


Ahamkara, ego divides itself into two: first as the sentient and knowing life of a man, his mind, his five jnanendriyas and five Karmendriyas. The second is constituted by the five "Tanmātras" and the five "mahabhutas” of the insentient cosmos.

The Jnanendriyas are faculties with which a man gets to know outside objects: the eyes that see objects, the nose that smells, the mouth that tastes, the ear that hears and the skin that feels by touch.

With his Karmendriyas he performs various actions. The mouth serves as a Karmendriyas also since it performs the function of speech. The hand, the leg, the anus and the genitals are all Karmendriyas.

The Jnanendriyas are sound (ear), feeling, (skin), form (eye), flavor or taste (mouth), smell (nose).

The 5 Mahabhutas are space (sound), air (feeling or touch), water (flavor), earth (smell), and fire (form). Thus Prakriti, mahat, ahamkara, mind, the five jnanendriyas, the five Karmendriyas, the five Tanmātras, the five Mahabhuthas - all these make up the 24 Tattvas.

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