Saturday, August 27, 2016


Muladhara - located at the base of the spine below the navel. It regulates elimination of waste products and is downward flowing. The element is earth, influenced by Apana Prana. Psychological implications are insecurity, restlessness, self preservation.
The mantra is Lum.

Svadhisthan - is located at the sacral region. Water element prana frequency influenced by Apana Prana. It is the seat of kundalini, which is dormant in nature and body until awakened. When awakened in nature, life forms emerge and are enlivened. When awakened in human beings, soul qualities unfold, intuition awakens, and intellectual capacities are unveiled.
Kundalini remains mostly at rest when the soul’s interest is primarily outward directed and involved through the senses. When desire for higher understanding is present, especially when one sincerely yearns for God, this force stirs and begins to release more vitality to flow upward to the brain, stimulating the chakras, awakening mental capacities and enlivening the body. Discernable movements of this force are referred to as Shakti, dynamic, creative life force in motion, with rapid changes in psychological states and soul awareness. However, at this level one experiences only partial awakening, behavior is more sensuous, Apana Prana influence, the mantra is Vam.

Manipura - is opposite the naval, Fire element, Samana Prana (seated in the stomach and intestines. It regulates digestion, assimilation and biochemical processes) psychological state egoism, power, control with executive talents. The Mantra is Ram.

Anahata - is between shoulder blades, Air element, influenced by Prana life current (located in the chest. It regulates breathing, making inspiration of oxygen and expiration of carbon dioxide possible).It is the gateway to higher consciousness of love, and compassion. The Mantra is Yam.

Vishuddha - located opposite the throat, ether element prana frequency, influenced by Udana prana, directing the vital current upward, seated in the throat. It contributes to speech and aids in spiritual growth by helping to bring the forces upward. This is the aspect of life force which contributes to the elevation of consciousness, inspiration to higher knowledge – soul awareness – not of this world understanding. The Mantra is Hum.

Ajna - located between the eyebrows. One is transcending of prana frequencies and is superior to them. Cosmic forces of dark blue surrounded by golden orb, centered by a silver white light are perceived.  Gold is the light frequency of Om; blue the light frequency of cosmic intelligence or cosmic consciousness; white is the frequency of Spirit. Soul awareness is one with God. This chakra can control and regulate all lower chakras. The Mantra is Om.

Sahasrara – thousand rayed lotus located in the upper cerebrum, represents the “power Station” in the body. The radiance of this chakra is brilliant white.  The soul awareness is pure.

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