Two Polarities of Esoteric and Exoteric:
Within each of the religions there are polarities of
Exoteric and Esoteric, along with shades of gray between those two. The
Exoteric is based on belief, while the Esoteric is based on attaining direct
Exoteric religion is the external form of religious
practice, and is what most of us are accustomed to seeing in the majority of
churches, temples, or other religious organizations or movements. Exoteric
religion may sometimes be called either Traditional or Orthodox.
Esoteric is shunned:
The Esoteric
practitioners are often shunned by the exoteric religionists because the
subtler pursuits and practices are simply not understood. As one progresses
along the esoteric path, it is ever more clearly seen how the Esoteric and
Exoteric are different degrees of expression and experience within the
teachings of the same tradition or religion.
Exoteric misunderstand the Esoteric: However,
unaware of these subtleties, the exoteric people are forced to see the esoteric
people as either having strayed away from the religion or suffering from some
psychopathological malady. In time, they too may grow to see the breadth and
depth of their own religion, but in the meantime, the journey of the Mystic and
Yogi is neither understood nor accepted.
Two other polarities: Along with the polarities of
Esoteric-Exoteric it is extremely useful for the practitioners of Mysticism and
Yoga to be aware of two other polarities:
Immanent or Transcendent God:
There are two views of the nature of God, although
different religionists or scholars might have vastly different opinions within
each of those two. God as Transcendent means God as a separate being that is the
overseer of the activities of the world. God as Immanent refers to God as being
all-pervasive, permeating the whole of manifest reality.
The Mystic or Yogi seeking inner experience often,
though not always, has a greater leaning towards God as Immanent, while the
Exoteric religionist often tends exclusively towards God as Transcendent. With
some reflection, it is easy to see how the Mystic or Yogi may easily be able to
hold both perspectives in his or her spiritual pursuits.
Often, however, the Exoteric practitioner is only
able to see the notion of God as Transcendent, as a separate being, and
therefore completely rejects the notion of God as Immanent. This is one of the
reasons that the Mystic or Yogi may feel quite out of place in a religious
culture dominated by those of the Transcendent God view.
Esoteric religion, on the other hand, has more to do
with the inner experience, the subtler practices, and the pursuits of direct
experience of the spiritual principles. It is the path of saints and sages, who
have often been considered as deviants or outcasts by their own Traditional,
Orthodox, or Exoteric religions.
Material or Efficient Cause:
There are two aspects to the cause of any created
object. One is the Material Cause, which refers to the stuff out of which the
objects are made. The other is the Efficient Cause, which refers to the
question of who caused the creation of the objects. For example, flour is the
Material Cause of bread, while the baker is the Efficient Cause. Similarly,
clay is the Material Cause of a pot, while the potter is the Efficient Cause.
The emphasis of the exoteric religionist is usually
almost exclusively on the Efficient Cause, whereby the separate being, the
Transcendent God, is considered to be the creator of the universe and humans,
much like the baker and the potter are the creators of bread and pots. The
goals of spiritual life are seen to come as a result of the Efficient Cause.
While the individual Mystic or Yogi may or may not
emphasize the Efficient Cause called God, following one's own predisposition or
religion, there is almost always a focus on the Material Cause, which is an
inner journey, through the levels of one's own being, so as to find the core or
center, which is underneath all the layers of manifestation. Depending on the
perspective of the individual practitioner, this realization may be variously
called Self-realization, enlightenment, knowing God, or other terms.
Polarities are well known amongst academicians: It
is important to note that these polarities of Esoteric-Exoteric,
Immanent-Transcendent, and Material-Efficient are well known to the academic
field of religious studies, as they are aspects of each of the more known
However, they are seldom mentioned, much less
emphasized by the religionists claiming to lead the public or lay people. Most of
the religious leaders promote the Exoteric, Transcendent, and Efficient
polarities through their churches or temples, utilizing a vast array of icons
and physical paraphernalia, along with external rituals or ceremonies.
The teachers of the Esoteric, Immanent, and Material
polarities are naturally less drawn to building churches or temples for
external worship rituals, with any physical forms serving as pointers on the
journey to the direct experience of the subtler, finer realities. Thus, they
are far less visible in our societies and cultures. Although more hidden, the
diligent seeker can find these more subtly focused teachings within virtually
all of the religions. If you think of yourself as having a Mystic or Yogic
orientation, the awareness of these polarities can go a long way to your
understanding why you might find yourself to be in a minority, and possibly
criticized by others.
Conflict is within the religion, not with Yoga:
Thus, what appears to be a difference between two separate paths, such as
between a particular religion and either Mysticism or Yoga is actually a
conflict within that religion. It is often a conflict wherein the Traditional,
Orthodox, or Exoteric followers are criticizing the Mystics, Yogis, and
Esoteric practitioners within their own religion, and claiming that the
conflict is with some outside source, Yoga.
Labeling the Mystics and Yogis as Neo: It is common
for some who have lost touch with the deeper aspects of their traditions to
label the Yogis or Mystics in such a way that they appear as deviants. It is
common for these people to put words like Neo, New or Modern in front of the
religion or other yogic term to try to make the deeper practices sound like
newly created distortions, rather than the ancient practices that they often
are. The Exoteric people may also use the term New Age in a derogatory tone to
describe the esoteric practitioner. So too, some of the recently awakening
Mystics and Yogis will adopt these types of terms, thinking that they are
inventing something new. It is ironic that those who are most interested in the
authentic esoteric roots of various teachings are labeled as Neo or New by the exoteric
practitioners who are not interested in the higher, subtler practices of their
own traditions.
Remember the Mystics and Yogis of the past: It is
useful for the sincere seeker to also keep in mind world history, wherein the
Mystics and Yogis have often chosen, or been forced, to move deep into the
mountains, forests or deserts to do their practices, so as to avoid the
onslaught from others who are focused exclusively on the Exoteric perspective.
This is not to say that the modern Mystic and Yogi should retreat from the
world, but it can be comforting to recall that others, who have come before,
and who have also tread the inner path, have experienced the challenges
presented by the Exoteric people.
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