Monday, August 29, 2016

Discourse on matters of Spirit II

Let us talk about feeling, the Shakti influence in our body and the mind stuff, chitta.
We can feel peace, joy, calmness and oneness. These feelings are close to the soul.
Shakti can be described as cosmic creative force which enlivens nature. It is also the aspect of kundalini which, when aroused, vitalizes the body and contributes to psychological transformation, physical vitalization, progressive spiritual awakening and personal growth.

Patanjali includes feelings in his description of chitta. He states that chitta or mind stuff is composed of intuitive feeling, the aggregate of consciousness, inherent in which is ahamkara (ego) buddhi (intelligence), and manas (mind or sense consciousness). Chitta is the warehouse of past memories, images, thoughts, feelings, desires and emotions which create samskaras, or mental impressions on the mind. I modern psychology, chitta represents the subconscious mind. One of the principle aims of yoga is the quieting of the mind. The yogi can become a witness to his thoughts and memories which arise from the depth of his mind. Through further meditation he can bring subconscious impressions to the surface of his conscious mind and in this manner neutralize their potential influence.  

Yoga chitta, vritti, nirodha

Yoga is for the purpose of calming the fluctuations of the mind.
It is the fluctuations that need to be stilled.
Union with God is only possible by stilling the restlessness of the heart or chitta, the feeling faculty of consciousness.
Restlessness disturbs man’s perception of the real Self, the soul-image of God within through its likes and dislikes of the body bound ego.
When the mind is made restless by the attraction and repulsion the soul appears imperfect, but the soul being an individualized reflection of Spirit, is ever perfect.
Souls are sent to earth to watch Gods cosmic motion picture with a calm non attached consciousness, like befitting souls made in the image of His divine image.
All truth seekers are advised, even though they go through trials, fortunes and misfortunes, to strive for righteousness with an undisturbed heart, as a way of attaining salvation and liberation from matter bound consciousness.
Jesus stated, that unless one attains Cosmic Consciousness, there are many mansions in his Father’s house; many planes of existence were souls go in accordance with their merits and de merits.

Christ Consciousness.

Christ consciousness is the projected consciousness of God immanent in all creation. In Christian terms, it is the “only begotten son,” the pure reflection in creation of God the Father; in Hindu scriptures, it is Kutastha Chaitanya or Tat, the universal consciousness, or cosmic intelligence, of Spirit everywhere present in creation.
Great saints and yogis experience this state of consciousness in samadhi meditation where their consciousness has become identified with the divine intelligence in every particle of creation; they feel the entire universe as their own body.
As previously stated, Christ consciousness is present in all vibratory creation and phenomena. It represents the primary substance and essence of life of everything.
No human being who is part of vibratory creation can take his consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness which lies beyond vibratory creation and the immanent Christ Consciousness – without first

Experiencing the Christ-imbued Cosmic Vibration, or Holy Ghost, that manifests vibratory creation.
In other words, to come to the Father every human being has to attain to Christ Consciousness first before he can attain Cosmic Consciousness, or God consciousness. “I am the way, no one can come to the Father but through me (the consciousness that is in me)”. John 14:6).


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