Monday, August 7, 2017

A perspective for people on the spiritual path

For all people on the spiritual path attention needs to be paid in three areas, in order to make progress.

On the sense plane, there is the material and moral struggle between good and evil, right and wrong action.

On the psychological level we are confronted with the mind (manas) pulling the life and consciousness outward toward matter, and the pure discriminative tendencies of intelligence (buddhi), drawing the life and consciousness toward the soul.

On the spiritual level we need to overcome lower states of consciousness and dissolve all ego and sense separation from God in samadhi, the union of soul and Spirit in cosmic consciousness. We do this through devotion, prayer and meditation.

Our awareness and activity needs to be spirit or soul, rather than ego guided. We know that when spirit or soul guided we are focused on the well being of all, whereas when ego guided we primarily maintain self interest in our activities. Wisdom and bliss are the soul’s essential nature. We are made in the image and likeness of God. At times we may block this image through the misuse of our free choice, but the burden of ignorance cannot destroy God’s immortal imprint in us.

We are known by our deeds. Our actions are determined in several ways. We may be guided by free choice, by the influence of the sub-conscious mind which in yoga is referred to as karma, heredity or by our environment.

In life, we can observe anomalies between rich unhealthy and poor healthy people; some live long lives, others die at an early age; some succeed at everything they touch, others fail repeatedly; some are naturally peaceful, while others are full of anxiety. Yoga would suggest that all is the result of prenatal and postnatal influences. For example, a business person, an artist, a dogmatic, an intellectual, a lacy person, a person of Self realization, is all self-made. Very few people however use exclusively their God given power of free choice in making themselves the person they want to be. The majority of people allow their characteristics to change passively according to the patterns of passing moods caused by specific environments, or according to the helpful or harmful influence of prenatal or prenatal habits.

Prenatal habits establish themselves in the sub-conscious mind and try to influence the discriminative power of the conscious mind. We need to remember, that it is best to perform good actions primarily through the inspiration of the free choice of the soul. We know what right action is, if we take time to reflect.

In addition, we should not allow our judgment to be dictated by poor habits acquired in life. Most people do not consider the consequences of their actions until they suffer bodily pain or heartbreaking anguish.

Also to remember is that no action, inner or outer, is possible without the energizing power of our will. Will power changes thought into energy. Right intension brings right results. Thus, we need to be intentional in our activities and use our free will effectively.

Concurrently linked to our senses and habits is desire. Some saints call this the greatest enemy; because it is desire that ties the soul to delusion, the belief that sense indulgence leads to happiness.

Being without desire does not mean an ambitionless existence. It means to work for the highest and noblest goals without attachment. The desire to destroy poverty and illness is commendable and to be encourage. But, after gaining riches and health, we have to still rise above the material to ultimately reach spirit.

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