Thoughts and emotions have a profound effect on one another. Thoughts can trigger emotions (worrying about an upcoming job interview may cause fear) and also serve as an appraisal of that emotion (“this isn't a realistic fear”). In addition, how we attend to and appraise our lives has an effect on how we feel.
Once we agree to give our attention to a thought, it becomes more and more real to us over time and has more and more power over out life.” It triggers an emotion, which then triggers a body reaction and drives us to act in a certain way. ... This is how your thoughts shape your reality. This is why you are what you think.
“The way we think about something affects the way we feel about it. Our thoughts and feelings influence our behaviors, choices, and ultimately, outcomes.” Behaviors are our actions or the ways in which we present ourselves to others.
Neuroscientists have discovered that repetitive thoughts form neural pathways as neurons that fire together get wired together. Thus, the more a particular thought or belief is activated and reinforced, the stronger these neural pathways become and the more automatically they become our "go to" pattern of perceiving.
The study found that a habit of prolonged negative thinking diminishes your brain's ability to think, reason, and form memories. Essentially draining your brain's resources. Another study reported in the journal American Academy of Neurology found that cynical thinking also produces a greater dementia risk
It has also been established that the mind is inexorably linked to matter. Brain scans indicate that thoughts are intimately related to brain activity. Brain neurons interact through synaptic connections to generate mental phenomena, and damage to a part of one's brain affects mental functions.
Scientists have discovered that our emotions are often caused by our thoughts [1]. This means two people could be in the same situation, but they might feel different emotions because they have different thoughts.
Our thoughts are very powerful instruments we use to either create happiness and wealth, or sickness and poverty. If your life doesn't look like what you're dreaming of, it means you have thoughts which go against you. Your thoughts create your life. If you want to change your life, change first your thoughts.
Negative attitudes and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can create chronic stress, which upsets the body's hormone balance, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness, and damages the immune system. Chronic stress can actually decrease our lifespan.
The only things we can control in life are our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. ... If we know how our minds work, we can be intentional about influencing our thinking and feeling patterns. We can evaluate reality more clearly, make better decisions and improve our ability to achieve our goals.
Thoughts are Like Sound Waves
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