Friday, May 4, 2018

A spiritual Perspective II

Never accept the limitations of your environment. Remain inwardly ensconced in God's presence; there is no other haven of safety. In fearlessness affirm: "I am in God's presence. No harm can reach me, for in every situation of life physical, mental, financial, and spiritual; I am protected in the fortress of God's presence.

Fearlessness means faith in God: faith in His protection, His justice, His wisdom, His mercy, His love, His omnipresence.

Fear robs one of the indomitability of his soul; disrupting Nature's harmonious workings emanating from the source of divine power within.

Fear causes physical, mental, and spiritual disturbances. Instead of indulging in anxiety one should affirm: "I am ever safe in the fortress of Thy loving care."

Meditate or be still. As soon as you take away the ripples of sensations from the lake of the mind, God's heavenly bliss bursts forth from the soul.

His bliss is already there, but it is hidden within you. The more you meditate or be still, the more you will feel the endless joy of God.

Form the habit of meditation. It is the only way to find everlasting happiness of the soul; and when you have that, nothing else matters.

Our ordinary waking consciousness is centered in the awareness of a material existence. After all, this is the realm in which we abide. Our mind perceives the world through the senses and we accept what we perceive as reality. Western thinking is still very much influenced by people like Newton and his theory of a mechanical universe, and Descartes, “I think therefore I am” and that all existence can be explained through mathematics.

Most people still believe, when judging by their actions, that this is their show and the better they can play the game, the better off they will be. The more goods they can amass, the more successful they are in the eyes of their fellow man. In this manner they can buy their way into anything they want. For them, this is the ultimate victory to be rich and famous. But there comes a point where the lessons of life can hit hard in the form of disappointment or illness.
Then many look for God and ask Him how he figures that they disserve misfortune.

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