Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Silence is power, for when we have reached the place of silence in our minds, we have reached the place of power, the place where all is one, the one power: God.  “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) suggests, that when we still the fluctuations which ordinarily arise in our mind, we access higher consciousness.
Diffused power is noise. Concentrated power is silence. When through concentration we have brought all our forces into one point of focus, we have contacted God in silence; we are one with Him and hence with all power. This is the heritage of man. This is what Jesus meant when he proclaimed, “The Father and I are one” (John 10:30).

There is but one way to be one with the power of God, and that is by conscious attunement to Him through inner devotion and meditation. “The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the Earth keep silent before Him” (Habakkuk 2:20). Only as we turn our focus from the outside world to the silence within can we hope to be in conscious union with God. It is then when we will realize that God is ever so close to us, that He is our own life, our own consciousness, and we are never separate from Him.

Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5). When we realize our relationship with God, we will be humble and we will perceive the truth, and the truth will make us free. Our feet will feel the firm ground, we will no longer stumble, and we will be poised in our decisions at all times.

To become aware that God as the only power, substance, and intelligence is confusing at first. But when we realize the nature of God and bring Him forth into active expression, we will know that He is the doer and that we can do nothing without His power. We will realize that we utilize His power at all times as the consciousness behind all our activities. He is the one that sees through our eyes, hears through our ears, and feels through our touch. We have not learned to do the greater works that God has in store for us, because we rely on our own perceived limited power, our ego-based consciousness. To make this world in which we live now a better place, we must first know that with the power of God working through as and as us, we can do all things that are in accord with His Divine Will.

We should remember that God does not hear us through our loud and vain repetitions, nor through any lengthy speeches, we must seek God through the Christ within; through the invisible connection to him we have within ourselves. When the Father within is worshipped in Spirit and in Truth, He hears the calls of that soul which is sincerely open to Him. To know this, we must only view how Jesus constantly held himself in conscious communication with the God within: He talked with Him as though He were personally present. We know from the scriptures how powerful this secret inner relation made him. He recognized that God does not only speak through fire, through earthquakes, or the great wind, but also through the still small voice- the still small voice in our own soul.

When we learn and accept this, we will become poised. We will learn to think things through. Old ideas will drop away and be replaced by new ones. We will learn to take all our questions that perplex us into our silent hour. There we may not always or immediately solve them, but we will become familiar with them and see them in a new light.

So let us keep God in our consciousness at all times, knowing that He is the source of all things. Let us share this message with our brothers and sisters, and with the children, and thus plant hope in their souls.

Peace and love.

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