Friday, March 18, 2016


Mystical experience may be described as mystical or spiritual consciousness. We all have had experiences that could not be explained by our rational mind. We label these experiences as hunches, luck, good fortune, being in the right place at the right time, etc. because we don’t know the origin of this experience, but on reflection we arrive at certain insights that give us a better understanding.

Simply stated, mysticism can be defined as the search and pursuit of communion with the Ultimate, Divinity, Reality, Spiritual Truth or God. A mystic is person who attains this union. The term union has been expressed in various ways due to the differences in the religious, social and psychological backgrounds.

Mysticism is defined to be spiritual in nature. It has been described as an organic process which includes the perfect consummation of the love of God. The definition of mysticism is wide; it cannot be limited to any one religious tradition

With reference to Spirituality, in the words of Plotinus, a major philosopher of the ancient world, spirituality is the soul’s solitary adventure. Spirituality is associated with the quality or condition of being spiritual. It signifies the human spirit or soul as opposed to materials and materialistic interests. It is very difficult to explain spirituality as it is a very broad term that consists of several spectrums of perspectives. It has been explained quite differently by monotheists, polytheists, humanists, followers of new age, Natives, etc. Spirituality deals with the spirit within, which can also be referred to as an absolute master and controller of the body. Spirituality and mysticism are considered to be interconnected as both embrace the transcendent or ecstatic experiences. However, the in-depth meanings may be regarded as two different concepts.

In both spirituality and mysticism the personal experience may be as quiet as the soul’s awareness of where one is in the present moment, or the soul’s recognition of unity, the understanding that we all part of the same source.

It may also take the form of the soul’s awareness of visible or invisible higher influences.

Mystical consciousness is also knows as Cosmic Consciousness; Holy Spirit; Divine presence; Higher Centers, the real I, Self or Atman in the various esoteric traditions.

Since Mystical consciousness is being in touch with the unseen, which upon closer investigation is one’s inner essence, one has to be very careful in discriminating between the:

Mystical/Spiritual way and the Psychic way
There is very little difference between the two paths, but the consequences can lead one either to enlightenment or to pain.

The danger lies in that much of the psychic world is presented as mystical, but as mentioned, they are opposite poles leading into different directions.

Between these two poles are the Great Religions of the world. They may be describes as the habit forming regions of that consciousness. Yet at the same time some aspects of religion may lead to mysticism. We can say that no really religious person can be without a touch of mysticism and no mystic can be without religion.

At the other end of the scale, religion can also shade off into the psychic realm. This can occur when people seek personal experiences of the unknown nature.

The fundamental difference between the two is:

The Psychic method wants to obtain or experience something, whereas

The Mystic wants to give. He knows that he receives freely and he wants to give freely of services, things and of himself.

Both approaches claim revelation from a higher power, the difference is the application and the intention which result in different outcomes.

In mysticism the will is united with feelings and the urge to transcend the world of the senses, in order that the Self may be joint through love to the One, Eternal and Ultimate object of Love, Whose existence is intuitively perceived by that which we call the soul. Some call it the Cosmic Transcendental sense.

In the psychic approach, the will unites with the mind and the desire for super-sensible (Beyond or above perception by the senses) knowledge. This is the intellectual, aggressive temperament trying to extend its field of consciousness until it includes the super sensual world. The intention of a psychic is to see on a different plane of material density than the average person. But the level on which they are seeing and experiencing things is nevertheless still material and barely above the physical level, regardless of how wondrous and exciting it may seem to the psychics themselves. This approach represents the antithesis of mysticism.

We can broadly classify as psychic all forms of self seeking endeavors.  It is a seeking of the intellect for its own purposes or rewards.

Mysticism denounces individualism, the I, me, or mine thought which makes one a finite being. Mysticism is essentially a movement of the heart. It seeks to transcend the limitations of the individual and to surrender itself to Ultimate Reality for no personal gain.

By speaking of the heart, one should not think of the seat of affection but rather the innermost sanctuary of one’s being. The mystic is in love with the Infinite, the Absolute, not in a sentimental manner, but in that ritual, which moves forever toward that object of Love.

Mysticism is like art, it cannot exist without feeling. One must feel acutely before being moved to act.

There are two eternal passions of the Self: the desire to love and the desire of understanding.

Mysticism is the science of union with the Absolute. It is not enough just to know about it, one must become one with it. This is often referred to as the mystical union. It is the contact between the individual Self and the Supreme Self; it is conscious, personal and complete. It is a certain contact of the soul with the Divine.

Mysticism can also be said to be the active expression of a power latent in the whole human race, a power of perceiving transcendental reality. Most people going through life are at times touched by this mystical feeling, but they are unable to recognize it for what it is. It is the soul in deep silence, in meditation that comprehends this Presence, but can only explain it in a symbolical language to the interpreter, who then uses his own imagination to put it into words. It is the secret of Oneness, it is inner Peace and joy.

The artist may perceive this power as a heightened form of vitality, the power of communicating a vision into painting, poetry or music Some may call this an expression of Spirit relating through the artist a message, an image that may touch the essence of another. To the artist is laid the duty of expressing that which he has perceived. This vision then has to be balanced by work, for art is the mediator between vision, appearance and objective reality.

In contrast, the mystic can only say: my secret to myself, my experience.

Not every artist can be said to be gifted with mystical insight. In the true mystic the transcendental stage dominates the ordinary state of consciousness. His consciousness is transfigured, he lives at different levels of experience, he sees a different world, which is to the ordinary state of consciousness only imagination.

The mystic is totally immersed in spiritual life, he moves toward union with God. He often has been called a lonely soul, but a better description may be a lonely body, for his soul sends out and receives communication at every moment.

Mysticism is active and practical, not passive and theoretical. It is an organic life process.

Its aims are wholly transcendental and spiritual. It is in no way anything to do with exploring or arranging anything, it is living one’s life as it presents itself. He never thinks of what should be, only of what is.

The Changeless One is for the mystic not merely the Reality of all there is, but also a living entity of love.

The Mystical Way is a prolonged psychological and spiritual process. It entails a complete renewal of character and the liberation of a latent form of consciousness which may be called the Unitive state. Mysticism is not an opinion, it is not a philosophy, it cannot be identified with any religious practice, it is a process which evolves into the perfect confirmation of the love of God. It is the art of establishing one’s conscious relation with the Absolute. It is not, or seldom something that happens instantaneously, it is more a movement toward ever higher states of consciousness. It ends with I live, but not I, but God in me.

This feeling of identification, which is the tone of mystical awareness, has a very important significance. In its early stages the one’s consciousness feels the Absolute separate from the Self. Eventually it tends to abolish its separateness. When it has reached its goal, consciousness finds itself in oneness with the One, the centre of all Being. This is the Mystical Union, is the fulfillment of Divine love.

For people who have not had a mystical experience, and the ones attached to the material life, all of this may sound very strange, like a dreamlike, strange existence; people with narrow religious believes may call it sinful or blasphemy.

For the mystic it is the only way, union with the Infinite.

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