Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Divine Love

Divine Love
When a great master comes into this world, he comes to show us not who he is, but who we are. In trying to find who we are, it also helps us to understand who we aren't. Most of our self-definitions are false because they’re based on externals.

Different saints come to earth with different missions. In one way or another, all of them have love, but they don’t always show it because that may not be their mission.
Yogananda’s mission to was express divine love, and because of that he talked of God in a new way. He spoke of God as the Divine Mother. Now, in truth, God is neither mother nor father, but He’s that Absolute Consciousness beyond creation. However, God does manifest Himself in different ways, so we can say that God is also both father and mother.

There are two aspects to human nature, reason and feeling. Science has taught us, and unfortunately we’ve bought into this, that the only way to come to truth is to exclude feeling and be so objective that we’re primarily intellectual.

The truth is that if we get to know any really great scientists, even if only through their life stories, we find that they were passionate men and women. They were absolutely dedicated to the search for scientific truth. Nor could they have accomplished what they did without deep feeling and enthusiasm for what they were doing. It has been said that no great thing has ever been accomplished without enthusiasm.

There are Scientists who perform small experiments that go primarily by the intellect, but many particle scientists are people of deep mystical awe before the wonders of the universe. Awe is expressed in their experiments and their theories. Without that sense of wonder, they could not have discovered the great things they did and are still doing? This enthusiasm is a part of the heart quality. We, as human beings, have both heart and intellect, but we can never reach true understanding with only the intellect.

We also have to try to love our own potential, to have respect for who we are as children of God.

To understand how to live our life better, to understand other people, and to understand truth, we can’t do it without the heart. To think of God as the mother aspect, is a way of helping us to love from our heart and to approach God in an infinite way.

Yogananda used to say, “Mother, naughty or good, I am your child.”

God is unique to each one of us, because as we visualize Him, so will He come to us in the form we hold most dear.

We have to long for God. We have to reach that point where nothing means anything except God. That’s why the best thing we can pray for is devotion, the ability to love God more and more deeply.

Salvation is nothing without the love of God. If we achieve it, perhaps we go to another plane where we don’t have to eat food, or carry around a heavy body, but there still are problems. Without God, we’ve got problems. We need to think of God as the nearest and the dearest of the dear.

Each one of us is an example of the inner soul that’s at the center of life, striving to come out and discover who it really is. In a way, the life of any individual is the life of all individuals.
Characteristics of Divine Love

Divine love makes no demand. It is spontaneous and constant. It is unlimited in every way. It is like the sun. The sun is for everybody. Everybody enjoys the sunlight, but if we keep our doors and windows shut, what can the sun do?

It is God’s divine Love that expresses through our human love. But if we do not open ourselves to this love that is flowing around us and wants to flow in us, then the divine love cannot express in and through us.

Human love binds, Divine love illumines. Divine love starts with our awareness of a higher reality. It represents the highest truth. Divine love at every moment illumines us, and in this illumination we find total fulfillment.

God loves unconditionally each and every human being.

The very nature of human love is unfortunately reserved for only a small number of people, but in divine love, which is unlimited and infinite, the question of acceptance and rejection does never arise. In divine love there is no possession, but only a feeling of oneness.

Divine love tells us that our life is infinitely more important than we imagine. Divine love means constant transcendence toward God.

Divine love connects with our soul. It liberates and expands our consciousness. Love means oneness of divinity, oneness of reality, oneness of the individual consciousness with the unlimited Universal or Christ Consciousness.

When we enter into the Universal Christ Consciousness through our meditation, we do not think of human love. We think only of divine love and oneness and our capacity for divine love becomes unlimited.

Divine love will come from God and from our own meditation, but only when we do not cherish expectation which results in limitations.

When one becomes unconditionally surrendered in God’s Will, one gets infinite divine love. Everything will come in the form of love. We will get peace, but it will come in the form of love; and this peace we will need to share with our brothers and sisters.

God Himself manifests everything through Love, here on earth and in any other realm. God is the highest and most illumined influence in our lives.

Everything that comes from God is unconditional. His Love is given unconditionally; all we have to do is receive it with an open heart.

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