Sunday, January 27, 2013

Quantum Physics and Vedanta

That which is the finest essence - the whole world has that as its own soul – Atman – TAT TWAM ASI – (Upanishads), That Thou Art.

Multitudes of things such as rhythms of thoughts and events are but different manifestations of the same Ultimate Reality we call Brahman or God transcendent.

There is no objective world outside. The world we see is a projection of our mind.

Time and space are mental structures and are illusory (maya). Everything in the world is interconnected and flows freely. The whole universe is engaged in endless motion and activity.

Newtonian Assumptions

The universe is like a giant machine. All motion has a cause. If we know a state of motion at one point, then we can predict the position at a later point. This indicates a deterministic model.

Quantum Quote:

Those who are not shocked, when they first come across quantum theory, cannot possibly understand it.
                                                                  Neils Bohr (1922 Nobel Price)

Quantum Theory does not apply to Newton.
In Quantum mechanics Probability is a functional feature of the atomic reality that governs all processes, even the existence of matter

A quantum particle doesn’t exist in one state or another, but in all of its possibility states at once. One particle can be here and somewhere else at the same time. It’s apparently only, when we observe its state that a quantum particle is eventually forced to choose one probability and that’s the state that we observe.

All the infinite possibilities that happen simultaneously

Cosmic Dance (spirituality)

This represents a continuous drama of creation and destruction involving the whole cosmos. It signifies that the cosmos is dynamic not static. Movement and rhythm are essential properties of matter.


Quantum Field Theory show, that all interaction between the constituents of matter take place through emission and absorption of virtual particles. Every subatomic particle performs an energy dance.

Time and Space

On a sub atomic scale, time and space appear to be illusory, that is, in the inside of an atom, cause and effect appearance does not exist.
Example: 2 + 2 +2 + = 6, but 2 + 2 may = 5 plus 2 might equal 6. The end result is correct, but when broken down, it may not add up.
If apply this violation to time, then we end up with the solution where each moment is independent of each other.

According to Schrodinger’s multi-verse equation, we derive 2 solutions:
      Ever moment must be happening at once, or no moments are occurring at all.
     I we choose the second option, then we end up with a world without time, only change; which is in accord with the teachings of Vedanta.


                                         Space as illusory - emptiness     

Making an inference based on Zen and Taoist belief. Let us imagine there are no lines in space. This is what Zen followers call the absolute – emptiness – Void; Brahman in Vedanta.

Science with the Large Hadron Collider LHC = God principle, the hidden boson.

Much of our dilemma arises in that we think very much in a linear fashion, material instead of probabilities.


The Cosmic Dance of Shiva corresponds to the continuous creation and destruction at the quantum level.

Science implies that the observation depends on the observer.

Spirituality tells us, there is no objective reality, every observer sees something different.

Time and space are illusory (maya).

Vedanta and Metaphysics

When we bring Vedanta into Science, we should know what it will do and not do.

Vedanta is based on reason and complete freedom of thought. It recognizes no authority only knowledge (Veda). It has no Dogma. Neither is it a quantitative or mathematical system, though it does not reject either.

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