Monday, July 2, 2012


‘Now’ an explanation of Yoga begins.

Now means freedom from the past, freedom from the known. It implies that we have to unburden ourselves from the past or our personal history and change our ways. But what will take its place?

Ridding ourselves of past mental impressions and established behavior patterns suggests living in the here and now. Yet in practice we habitually cling to the past for support of the present and future.

This is where illusion begins. Nothing in the phenomenal world remains the same forever, even our personality changes. We live in a constant flux of change. When we can accept that our personality represents, at this moment, the sum total of all our past experiences, we are greatly empowered, since this affords us the opportunity the make adjustments to our lives and correct false assumptions.

What is required is for us to take responsibility for our lives, by asking: am I prepared to free myself from my attachment to the past, am I prepared to think about life in a different new way?

We all can relate to examples where we or others look to the past to justify their present situation. Examples are: I suffer of ‘’’ it runs in the family; I have never been good at this, I am like my ...we always have done it this way. Whether it is a question of health or competence, we have that tendency to look at the past to justify the present.

We also make projections into the future. We wonder what may happen. We compare the known of the past and the present and link it to the future. But we really don’t know the future, and this provides anxiety and creates a disturbed mind.

How then is it possible for us to embrace the unknown, without creating anxiety in the mind? It is by living consciously in the here and Now, in the present moment, for what we think and do now, determines to a large degree, individually or collectively, our future. Patanjali says: ‘Forget about the past, hold on to yoga, samadhi.

Patanjali says in sutra 2states:” Yoga-chitta-vṛitti-nirodhaḥ.”

When we are in a state of yoga, all fluctuations (vrittis) which normally occur in the mind (chitta) disappear. Being in yoga means living in freedom, in harmony and peace where consciousness flourishes and harmony nourishes our body, mind and soul.

Present Moment, a Spiritual Perspective.

What a beautiful gift one shares when living in the present moment. When not thinking of the struggles from the past, nor thinking with anxiety about the future, but always living in the here and now.

When we choose to live in the present moment, we live by the Spirit that is beyond past, future.
It is in Divine moments that we are open to the inner light of Grace.

Whether we live in regrets of our past or in fears of the future, nothing prevents us from connecting with the present moment, where we can let go of past struggles and anxieties.

Let us not look for lasting happiness outside of ourselves, for we won’t find it there, because it is within us at all times.

It is the ego that hides our true nature, which is of joy, pure potentiality and unconditional love.

We need to realize, that Spirit flows through us only in the present moment, only in the here and now. So let us walk in Spirit and let it express through us in service and in love.

When we remember our Divine nature, the “I am”, we realize that living in the present moment opens us to freedom, harmony and peace.

The present moment connects us with being, not with doing; it is being that leads to the path of enlightenment and wisdom.

How glorious it is to know, that within us resides that which cannot be threatened by any outside influences or circumstances. That something is our eternal Self.

We will need to trust, that when we are anchored in the Infinite, life will take care of us. All our legitimate needs, as they arise, will be satisfied, but we must do our part.

With this understanding we will live every moment of our life as it is meant to be, in inner peace and freedom.

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