Monday, November 14, 2011


We hear and read much about major shifts on all levels of society. From a consciousness perspective, it would be a shift from our current limited state of awareness, to a higher vibratory level of consciousness, or a more spiritually evolved state, a state free from many of the individual and collective problems we face in society today.
This implies evolving beyond a state of fear, violence, struggle, and strife by moving into a more enlightened state of being, which is characterized by unity, peace, cooperation, compassion, harmony and freedom from many of our current limitations.
It should, however be realized that a change in consciousness is a process similar to that of growing from childhood into maturity. Such a process is ongoing and is intensifies when a critical mass of like minded people is reached. Today, with social media, such a shift can be greatly exhilarated.
Shift as described would be linked to an every greater recognition of the Divine Light that is pouring onto humanity. The challenge for individuals is to recognize and become receptive to its transformative influence.  Another way of expressing this is to be wisdom guided in all of one’s activities.
And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
                                                           John 1:5
It should be understood, that when one’s consciousness is being elevated to higher levels, he is continually being challenged to let go of limited old level of being. One tends to instinctively hold on to what is familiar, and resist moving into the unknown, not knowing what to expect. At this juncture of development one must rely on inner guidance and faith in one’s move into a new direction.
For many who fear the unknown these unfamiliar shifts may trigger stress that manifests in a variety of emotions, physical tension, increased mental tension and worries, as well as physical disorders.
Reactions such as fight or flight response, as a result of heightened emotions is often the result.
However for people who are prepared for major shifts to occur, the effects of these processes are not at all problematic, as they will be experiencing positive changes to their lives.
 These changes include: increased intuitive abilities; open heartedness and compassionate; the experience of a greater degree of divine support and guidance in one’s life; feeling of bliss and grace in one’s meditations; discovering new creative abilities; receiving new insights and gaining deeper Self understanding; experiencing more cosmic coincidences, and feeling a deeper connectedness with Spirit and with all life.
It can be concluded, that not everyone in society is ready to voluntarily transform his life by embracing higher states of consciousness. Many people are very much body and mind identified and see in this life style the good life. If shifts were to be the result of occurring cosmic influences, then for many people these shifts would be a painful experience.
For this reason it is important to examine one’s life and ascertain where he stands in relation to change.
Some Reminders:
1.     Meditate daily. Daily meditation is ideal for relaxation and allowing the intense cosmic energies to flow through us and be wisdom guided.
2.     Stay centered. While going about our daily activities, one needs to remember as often as possible to shift his attention back to that calm inner center touched upon in meditation and stillness.
A simple, effective method is paying attention to one’s breathing, or watching one’s thoughts. Practicing these methods for a few moments when feeling stressed, will bring much mental clarity.
Remembering to stay centered is not only a very effective way to reduce stress, but can also lead to living at a higher vibratory level and experiencing an upward spiralling movement in consciousness.
3.     We also need to learn to trust in higher guidance. There is much support (grace) available from the unseen realms to help us move through transition in life if we approach it with faith.

 The following are some suggestions:
Have faith when experiencing challenging situations.
Be self referring, trust your inner guidance.
Let no outside influence control your mind.
Balance money, lifestyle, and foster healthy relationships.
Have worthwhile goals and act on them. Welcome challenges.
Keep company with positive people.
Know who and what you are.
Do what you love to do.
Keep life simple.
Cultivate love and kindness.
Acknowledge your feelings or intuition and listen to what they are telling you?
Take care of your spiritual, mental and physical health.

Friday, November 4, 2011


The chakras are the subtle energy centres that coordinate and connect the physical, mental and energy sheaths or bodies with one another.
Prana (life force) flows through the chakras and is transformed into various frequencies required for the functioning of the body and its relationship with the environment.
Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that refers to the potential or latent energy that is located at the base of the spine. According to the Vedic tradition which describes Kundalini, it is a primal feminine energy, called Shakti, which is responsible for all manifestation.
The kundalini rises up the spine through nadis, channels through which subtle energy flows through the human energy field. The primary nadi, called the Sushumna, is a channel which runs up through the spine starting just below the first chakra and going to the crown of the head. There are two other channels which go up the spine, the Ida and Pingala. The Ida, carrying feminine energy is on the left, and the Pingala, carrying masculine energy is on the right. They alternate sides at the chakras as they rise up the spine.
 The translation of kundalini is “coiled snake”, the snake being a symbol of the potential untapped energy which is concentrated at the first chakra. This spiritual energy is activated through hatha yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. These activities cause the energy to rise upwards to open and activate the chakras (subtle energy centers in the body). As the energy rises up the spine it bring about changes in consciousness and enhance one’s spiritual awakening.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or vortex.
These chakras, or energy centers, function as valves, regulating the flow of energy through the energy system.
The chakras are not physical. They are aspects of consciousness in the same way that the auras are aspects of consciousness. The chakras are more dense than the auras, but not as dense as the physical body. They interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system.

The "Chakras" and the glands which correspond to their force are as follows:
Head Centre. . . Pineal Gland
Centre between eyebrows. . . Pituitary Body
Throat Centre. . . Thyroid Gland
Heart Centre. . . Thymus Gland
Solar Plexus Centre. . . Pancreas
Sacral Centre. . . The Gonads
Centre at the base of the spine. . . Adrenal Gland

Psychological influences of the chakras.

Base Chakra (muladhara):
Psychology: Instinct, survival, self preservation
   Disturbed: Insecurity, fear, paranoia violence
   Integrated: Stability, security, grounded.
   Vibration: Lam

Sacral Chakra (swadhisthana):
Psychology: Sensuality, sexuality
   Disturbed: Over indulgence, repression, sense gratification
  Integrated: Balance between masculine-feminine, appropriate  
                    expression of sexuality.
   Vibration: Vam

Solar Plexus Chakra (manipura):
Psychology: Ego, power, competition
   Disturbed: Domination, submission, aggression, passivity,
                     Unresolved issues
  Integrated: Assertiveness, cooperation, dynamic energy
  Vibration: Ram

Heart Chakra (anahata):
Psychology: Compassion, selfless love, service, nurturance
   Vibration: Yam

Throat Chakra (vishuddha):
Psychology: Devotion, surrender, trust
   Vibration: Ham

Third Eye Chakra (ajna):
Psychology: Son of God, introspection, discrimination, intelligence,
                     Higher intuitive knowledge
   Vibration: Om

Crown Chakra (sahasrara):
                        Pure Consciousness   

Understanding of the human energy field or Aura.

A step to expand to expand consciousness can begin with the understanding of the human energy field.

The Human Electromagnetic Energy field and Its Relationship to Interpersonal Communication

 Energy Field by:
William L Smith
   Abstract: If there is one single concept that helps to explain much about human interpersonal communication, it is the concept that humanity has an inherent connection with its environment, the basis of which is human consciousness itself, something which is now quantifiable, at least on a theoretical basis. The electric charges coursing through the human brain are measurable by means of an electroencephalogram. Humans thus have an electromagnetic energy field. As a result of this, the human body could act as an aerial that has the potential for simultaneous transmission and reception of energy with its environment.
Keywords: consciousness, superstring, electromagnetic energy.

An increasing number of patients and health care practitioners rely on treatment and diagnostic systems that are based on the presence of a human subtle energy, or electromagnetic field. Such systems include acupuncture and energy healing.


By sensing disruptions in the aura, practitioners are able to detect pain or illness. These therapies include Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, Qigong, and multiple other therapies falling under the rubric of energy healing or laying-on-of-hands. The human electromagnetic field (HEF) presumably exists as an oscillating invisible energy field correlating with both health and disease in the body. (Other similar "invisible" phenomena occur in the heart and the brain and are seen on electrocardiograms or electroencephalograms.) A further analogy would be that of electricity traveling through a wire, and the resultant electromagnetic field that it produces. In this case, the wire would represent the meridian and the electromagnetic field, the aura.
Medical Acupuncture
A Journal For Physicians By Physicians