order to understand spiritual Reality, we need to depart from the “I” that we
associate with the mind and the ego and embrace the I Am, our inner Self. If we
don’t make that switch, we will not get very far on the spiritual path. In
fact, we will get even more involved into the world in which we already live. We
need to move beyond our normal dualistic way of thinking, but first we have to
realize how trapped we are in it.
points us to observing the stream of our mind. Doing so, we soon realize that
it doesn’t take long before we are engaged in repetitive thought, useless
thought, compulsive thoughts, and negative thoughts. This can at first be very humiliating
since we all are convicted that we have a sound and organized mind.
teachings are also mainly of the mind. The mind is dualistic. It expresses
everything in terms of either or, all or nothing, good or bad. All of which is
lacking light or spirit.
in Christianity – is the moral, spiritual, or religious belief
that two fundamental concepts exist, which often opposes each other.
Metaphysical Dualism - God and the world, matter and
spirit, body and mind, and good and evil.
Dualism is not adequate to spiritual development, then what are ways to higher
consciousness? These are qualities as unconditional love, joy, self-honesty,
modesty and humility.
leads us into the great mysteries of non dualism, love, faith, truth and God; religion
at a more mature level that embraces such disciplines as contemplation,
meditation and silence.
drove Jesus into the wilderness?
Mark 1:12 we read, “The Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness.” Why had the Spirit
drive Him into the wilderness? It may be because human nature really doesn’t
want to go there. When we go into the stillness, into the silence, the first
thing that comes up in the mind is not the good stuff, but the bad one. It is all
the things we have buried in the sub – conscious. Past unresolved relationships
the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness, he met all the things one does not
want to deal with.
does the bible say about non duality?
God, who is perfect (nondual)
and loves all alike.
There is no
longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male
and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)
What is Paul
saying here? Of course Jews remained Jews and Greeks remained Greeks; there is
no evidence of mass liberation of slaves in Christian society, and male and
female remained, male and female. Nonduality does not erase differences;
rather, it transcends them, by inviting us into that God-vantage-point, where
we can “behold God in all” and learn to love all, the way God loves all. In the
love of God, human-level distinctions like nationality, gender, or
socioeconomic status simply lose their grip on us. They don’t go away, but they
lose their harmful potency — at least, as long as we remain vigilant in our unity
with the mind of Christ.
Let the same mind be in you that was in
Christ Jesus. (Philippians 2:5)
‘For who has known the mind of the Lord so
as to instruct him?’ But we have the mind of Christ. (I Corinthians 2:16)
What does it
mean to “have the mind of Christ”? When Paul instructs us to “let this mind be
in you,” he goes on to speak about Christ, though equal with God, taking on
humility and self-emptying (kenosis) to embrace humanity — even including a
violent, undignified death by crucifixion. Paul seems to be saying, “If Christ,
who is God, can take on the worst experience of being human, shouldn’t we do
the same?” The key is “the mind of Christ,” which seen as the mind of nondual
consciousness. When we embrace the “everything belongs” mind in which we see
all things with the eyes of God, loving with the heart of God, beholding God in
all, we are empowered to bring Christ to all things: good and evil, happy and
suffering, healthy and sick, virtuous and sinful. We bring the mind of Christ to
all aspects of our life: to the “good” and to the “evil” or “bad” to heal or
transform it.
The mind of
Christ means “go beyond our mind” In other words, go beyond the dualistic mind
which judges and condemns, into the mind of Christ, the consciousness of
nonduality, of Divine Love. That is the gate to holiness, the pathway to truly
believing, and becoming a force for healing and transformation in a world that
so desperately needs it.
spirituality, nondualism, also called non-duality, means "not two" or
"one undivided without a second". Nondualism primarily refers to a
mature state of consciousness, in which the dichotomy of ‘I’- other is
"transcended", and awareness is described as "center less"
and "without dichotomies". Although this state of consciousness may
seem to appear spontaneous, it usually follows prolonged preparation through
ascetic or meditative/contemplative practice. While the term
"nondualism" is derived from Advaita Vedanta, descriptions of nondual
consciousness can be found within Hinduism (Turiya, sahaja or spontaneous
enlightenment); in Buddhism it is (Buddha-nature), and in western Christian and
neo-Platonic traditions, mystical union).
contemplate this. But first we must define what contemplation is. Contemplation
is a form of praying without words, it is the opening of mind and heart, or our
whole being to God. It is the Ultimate Mystery, beyond thoughts, words, and
We Will All Be One
Jesus said that we will all be one
With God the Father, Spirit and Son.
I in you, you in Me;
Oneness is our destiny.
By His Word, God created everything-
He spoke it all into being.
Apart from Him, there's no time, no space,
No Earth, no stars, no human race.
Our life, lived in Him, gives us power
To overcome, each day and hour,
All the forces of evil that rise
To spread deception and lies.
Through us, let the Spirit pour
Life in Him , forevermore:
Faith and love and peace and more-
Holy sanctifying power.
I in you and you in Me, no more I nor you, but we,
Living as One, eternally.
Lord, I pray Your holy will be done,
Let Your heavenly kingdom come.